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Animal Reproduction Group University of Sydney (ARGUS)

About us

The Animal Reproduction Group University of Sydney (ARGUS) studies both basic and applied aspects of reproduction in farm and wildlife animals. ARGUS is particularly interested in the development and application of assisted reproductive technologies (e.g. AI, IVF, MOET and sperm sexing) to animal production and conservation.

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Sheed in a paddock

Research areas

  • Artificial insemination and embryo transfer
  • Preservation of mammalian semen
  • Sperm membrane and seminal plasma proteomics
  • Sperm sexing
  • In vitro embryo production in sheep, cattle and pigs

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Research opportunities

Postgraduate research opportunities are advertised on Research Supervisor Connect, the Sydney School of Veterinary Science postgraduate opportunities website or can be discussed directly with the relevant academic staff member.